Monthly Archives: October 2011

Crisis Anniversary Party Photos

The Crisis Anniversary party was a blast. Lots of Nullers showed up and we debuted the first issue of Nullozine. What a fun night. Here’s Chad in front of his art.

Chris Jones was in the house!

Gnarly Carleigh overload! Carleigh photos/art, Lowcard checkout and Carleigh page in Nullozine. Wowsers!

Max’s wardrobe matches his art. Tight.

Derek glancing over issue #1

Derek showing off!

Somehow I missed getting a photo of the main man behind Crisis, but here’s a few old people in his place. Ha.

Max and Jack giggling.

And acting like kids

Jack laughing at the photo of Jaws.

Yes! Our first Nullozine toilet sighting!

A huge congratulations to Crisis is in order. Thanks for all the support over the last year. May there be many, many more anniversary parties as fun as this one.