All posts by meatball

Holiday 2015 promo

Our new promo that showed before the Crisis video premiere.

Jack “late shove” Spanbauer filmed by Corpo Glen Gillingham
Nolan “token transition guy” Cormier filmed by Glen Gillingham
David “or is it Dave” Lopez (wheel team) filmed by Rudy Garcia
Max “Rando #4” Garson (wheel team) filmed by Cameron Youngman
Josh “natural” Steele (wheel team) filmed by Cameron Youngman
Monico “tries harder when he skates with Sheckler” Candelaria filmed by Tony Tomita
Riley “about to be able to skate again” Persing filmed by Glen Gillingham

Edited by Glen Gillingham
Art Direction by Rob Helmstetter
Song choice by Jack Spanbauer so if you think it’s too mellow blame Jack.